Bibles for Mexico!

We need your help! A little over a year ago we were able to send just over 300 Spanish Bibles to the churches in Mexico. The Bibles were given to new Christians and to people who didn’t have a Bible.  The Churches are out of Bibles again!! We have an opportunity to send more Spanish Bibles to Mexico for approximately $2.50 per Bible, plus free shipping! We would like to send another 300 Bibles so the Mexican people can read God’s Word on their own. Won’t you help? If 10 people each gave $75 we would be able to send 300 more Bibles; any amount means more Spanish Bibles for Mexico. But you have to act fast as this opportunity is only good for this week. You can easily give right here under the Giving tab by selecting “Bibles”. Thank you for your support and may God bless you mightily in 2022. Dios le Bendiga!!
Bibles for Mexico!2022-01-05T23:32:11-06:00

Pastor Retreat – Update

Getting ready for the Pastor Retreat which starts on Thursday, November 4th, 2021.
Joining us will be Pastors Armando Rodriguez, Jim Smith and Carolyn Smith.
Please pray for the Retreat:
> That all of the Pastors the Lord wants at the Retreat will be able to come. Too often Pastors are unable to come at the last minute due to sick children, car problems, they become sick, etc. We always pray that the enemy won’t be able to prevent anyone from coming.
> That God will show up at the Retreat and touch hearts, restore hearts, fill the Pastors with renewed energy and a vision of what He wants them to do.
> Whatever else the Lord lays on your heart as you pray for us and the Retreat.
Dios le Bendiga!
Pastor Retreat – Update2021-10-31T18:35:02-05:00

Pastor Retreat – November 2021


We are moving forward and making plans for this year’s Pastor Retreat in early November. We are so looking forward to seeing our Pastor friends again for the first time in 2 years and we know they are excited as well.

If you would like to help sponsor a Pastor to this year’s Retreat, please go to the Giving tab and select Pastor Retreats. Thank you for your support.

Pastor Retreat – November 20212021-08-09T23:31:04-05:00

Youth Retreat – April 2021


So sad that we had to once again cancel our annual Youth Retreat due to COVID. After knowing many of the youth for 5 years or more, some of them are graduating and getting married so we will not see them at upcoming Youth Retreats. That makes having to cancel this year’s Retreat especially hard.

Youth Retreat – April 20212021-08-10T11:28:43-05:00

Christmas 2020 – Food for Pastors and Those in Need



This Christmas we were able to provide food to approximately 30 families, including some of the Pastors we work with. The food is especially needed this year due to COVID. A great big Thank You to those who helped make this possible.

Christmas 2020 – Food for Pastors and Those in Need2021-08-18T14:00:26-05:00

Pastor Retreat – November 2020


With great reluctance we had to cancel this year’s annual Pastor Retreat due to COVID, the first time in 20 years we have not had a Pastor Retreat.

We will be back!

Pastor Retreat – November 20202021-08-10T11:22:48-05:00

Bibles – October 2020


Thanks to the generosity of a number of people, we were able to ship 346 Spanish Bibles to Churches in Mexico! These Bibles will be given to individuals when they give their life to Jesus so they can immediately begin to read and study God’s Word. 66 of the Bibles are large print, which is needed by many people.

Through the years we have met Pastors who are missing pages in their Bible or in some instances don’t even have a Bible to call their own. This is a very real need, so we are excited to be able to provide the Word of God to Mexico!

Bibles – October 20202021-08-10T11:27:57-05:00

Youth Retreat – April 2020


We had to cancel this year’s annual Youth Retreat due to COVID, the first time in 18 years we have not had the opportunity to pour into the lives of many of the Mexican youth.

Youth Retreat – April 20202021-08-10T11:26:25-05:00
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