Who We Are

Over the years we have established a library of Spanish Christian Books as resources for the Pastors, have visited many Pastors in their homes to encourage them and pray for them, and have done numerous other things to encourage these Pastors, many who are “weekend Pastors” as they must work in the fields or in other occupations to provide for their families and are Pastors on the weekends and in the evenings.

In 2018, one of the Mexican Pastors made a connection to a group of Pastors in the State of Chiapas, Mexico, the most southern State of Mexico adjacent to Guatemala. After a visit with the Chiapas Pastors, the Pastors we work with noted “they are spiritually where we were before Hearts in Mexico began to disciple us!” They decided to pass along what they had learned. In addition to giving their church members the opportunity to participate in a mission trip, they held Pastor Retreats for the Pastors in Chiapas in 2018 and 2019.

Our Story

Over Hearts in Mexico (HiM) was founded in 2001. After meeting a young Mexican Pastor and his family when chaperoning their church youth group on a number of ministry trips, Michael and Sheryl formed HiM to disciple and encourage this young couple. They soon found out that their church was one of approximately ten churches in an association of churches.

In order to work with that many Pastors, It was decided to hold our first Pastor Retreat at the end of 2001. We have since held 19 annual Pastor Retreats, with the streak only being interrupted by Covid 19 in 2020.

After both the first and second Pastor Retreats, the Pastors asked that HiM give the same training to their youth. Therefore we held our first Youth Retreat in 2003. We have since held 17 annual Youth Retreats, with this streak also being interrupted by Covid 19 in 2020.

The Lord has made it clear to us that our ministry is to the “forgotten Mexican Pastors,” those in small villages where other ministries don’t go. To have an impact on these Pastors means working with smaller groups, which also means we get to know the Pastors as individuals and their needs.

Over the years we have established a library of Spanish Christian Books as resources for the Pastors, have visited many Pastors in their homes to encourage them and pray for them, and have done numerous other things to encourage these Pastors, many who are “weekend Pastors” as they must work in the fields or in other occupations to provide for their families and are Pastors on the weekends and in the evenings.

In 2018, one of the Mexican Pastors made a connection to a group of Pastors in the State of Chiapas, Mexico, the most southern State of Mexico adjacent to Guatemala. After a visit with the Chiapas Pastors, the Pastors we work with noted “they are spiritually where we were before Hearts in Mexico began to disciple us!” They decided to pass along what they had learned. In addition to giving their church members the opportunity to participate in a mission trip, they held Pastor Retreats for the Pastors in Chiapas in 2018 and 2019.

What We Believe

We believe in one God revealed in Trinity; three Persons indivisible, co-equal and co-eternal. He is the Creator of all things visible and invisible and relates with His only-begotten Son and the believer as a loving father relates with his children.

We believe Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God the Father, is one person in the Triune Godhead. He was made incarnate, becoming fully man while retaining full Godhood. He lived a sinless life, demonstrating the nature of God’s kingdom fully expressed through a human being, was put to death for our sins, resurrected in victory over all demonic power, and is the Messiah, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.

We believe the Holy Spirit is one Person in the Triune Godhead. He regenerates the believer at conversion and takes up residence within their heart, guiding and comforting them. He also abides upon the believer who has been baptized into Him, empowering them for ministry.

We believe the Bible, consisting of both the Old as well as the New Testament, to be divinely inspired and infallible. It chronicles the story of God and humanity’s relationship, is the final rule on all matters of faith and equips the Church to perform her ministry.

We believe God uniquely created humanity in His own image and gave them co-rulership over the earth and all of its inhabitants. Humanity willfully chose to disobey God, empowering Satan to bring destruction to God’s creation, and introducing death to the human race. From that time, all of humanity has chosen sin, and faith in Christ’s work is the only hope for redemption.

We believe the Church consists of all of the redeemed and is both the family of God, in the sense of relationship, as well as the Body of Christ, in the sense of active agency. The earthly mission of the Church is to increase the borders of God’s kingdom, exhorting humanity to submit to the life-giving kingship of Jesus. The Church, while universal, expresses itself in local assemblies.

We believe in the future return of Christ and the resurrection of the dead, at which time Christ shall judge all of humanity. Those whose names He finds written in the Book of Life shall live everlastingly in new heavens and a new earth with Him. Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life shall be eternally lost to the lake of fire and brimstone.


The following individuals provide Leadership for Hearts in Mexico:

Michael and Sheryl Hawks
Michael and Sheryl HawksMichael: Co-Founder, President, Treasurer, Board of Directors >> Sheryl: Co-Founder, Secretary, Board of Directors
Joey Kelly
Joey KellyBoard of Directors
Pastors David and Julia De Los Reyes
Pastors David and Julia De Los ReyesBoard of Directors
Marsha King
Marsha KingBoard of Directors
Josh Johnson
Josh JohnsonBoard of Directors
DiAnna Olsen
DiAnna OlsenBoard of Directors